The Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children is conducting an urgent review of the cases of 721 children treated by Yaser Jabbar, an ex-Consultant Orthopaedic surgeon that worked at the hospital’s lower limb reconstruction service from 2017 until he stepped down in September 2023.
Yaser Jabbar, whose license to practise medicine in the UK was revoked in January, was reported to be an expert in limb reconstruction and has been found to have performed a number of operations whose outcomes have seriously harmed children.
Out of the 39 cases already reviewed, 22 children were found to have suffered harm because of the actions of the ex-clinician. According to The Sunday Times 13 of these children were reported to have suffered “severe harm”.
It is alleged that unnecessary and harmful surgeries were carried out on children as young as four months old. In some of the cases examined children were left with nerve injuries, muscle damage and different leg lengths of up to 20 cm difference.