Every business owner, regardless of sector, faces the potential for unexpected events that could impair their ability to make critical decisions. Whether it’s age-related illness, a sudden accident, or any other unforeseen circumstance, the consequences of impaired capacity can be devastating for a business. This is especially true for family businesses, which often rely heavily … Read more
Post Type: News / Insights
In the UK, February is oesophageal cancer awareness month. It is incredibly important to raise awareness about the symptoms, it’s causes, who and how many are affected and in what circumstances a patient may need to seek legal advice. What are the signs and symptoms? The most common symptoms of oesophageal or throat cancer are … Read more
The three year time limit for victims of historic sexual abuse to bring a claim for damages will be removed in England and Wales. In a long-awaited response to one of the recommendations from the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA), led by Professor Alexis Jay, the government has announced it will scrap the … Read more
With the cost of providing transport services having nearly doubled in the last few years and more Local Authorities facing serious budget deficits it comes as no surprise that more and more families are not getting the support they need. What are students entitled to? Being a parent carer has many challenges and often feels … Read more
Since 2020, 4th February has been designated as World Cancer Day. This was established by the Union for International Cancer Control, with the aim of raising awareness about cancer, and taking steps to prevent and effectively treat cancer worldwide. Why is World Cancer Day is important? The statistics for cancer are frightening. The International Agency … Read more
Realising that one has been victim of medical negligence can be a devastating experience, leaving victims and their families grappling with a range of intense emotions. From shock and grief to anger and loss of trust, the psychological impact of the misconduct can be profound and long-lasting. The psychological impact of medical negligence can be … Read more
Once again, the 15th February deadline for EHCP reviews is fast approaching for children who are transferring between phases of education in September 2025. If you are the parent or carer for a child with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and they due to transfer from: • relevant early years education to school; … Read more
Being told that your baby is unlikely to survive or has died is devastating. Often, the news is entirely unexpected meaning your world is turned upside down in a single moment. Baby loss is sadly still seen as a taboo subject by some, which means parents can feel very isolated and that they have nowhere … Read more
Some areas of the UK are experiencing low temperatures and icy conditions. Whilst we are all responsible for taking precautions and not exposing ourselves to unnecessary risks, there are certain provisions in law that employers and those responsible for the maintenance of public spaces should be aware of to minimise the risk of serious injuries. … Read more
Thanks to advocates such as Dame Deborah James, also known on social media platforms as BowelBabe, information and discussions on bowel cancer have been in the news and on social media for a while. Bowel cancer (also called colorectal cancer) is cancer found in the large bowel and it is one of the most common … Read more
Enable Law has announced the appointment of Annabelle Vaughan as the new head of its specialist mental capacity team. Annabelle will lead Enable Law’s fast-growing 41-strong team of mental capacity legal experts who support vulnerable people and their families with long-term care and financial needs. In the post, Annabelle, who joined Enable Law as a … Read more
University Hospitals Sussex NHS Trust continues to face public scrutiny following recent press reports revealing a significant number of maternity clinical negligence claims filed against the Trust. These claims, relating to incidents that occurred several years prior, were settled over a five-year period from 2019 to 2023, to help families whose babies’ lives were catastrophically … Read more