£400,000 Erb’s Palsy Settlement

A girl holds her shoulder
1 minute read

Chrissie’s mum was admitted to hospital for an induction of labour but her birth was not managed appropriately.

We supported the family of Chrissie* in a £400,000 settlement when she was left with a permanent disability due to suffering Erb’s Palsy when her birth was mismanaged.

During Chrissie’s delivery there was an undiagnosed shoulder dystocia (where, in effect, her shoulder became stuck in the birth canal). When the shoulder dystocia was eventually identified the midwife managing the labour did not undertake the appropriate techniques to free the shoulder.

As a result, Chrissie suffered a severe injury (a brachial plexus palsy), as well as a fracture to her right clavicle.

Chrissie required extensive surgery for the brachial plexus injury. Whilst improving function, unfortunately she was left with permanent disability. She has very little use of her left arm which impacts on all aspects of her daily living and her employment prospects in the future.

The compensation secured will help Chrissie to cope with the negative impacts her injury will have on her future.

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