£400,000 for mum in stroke paralysis compensation claim

A woman in a wheelchair holds her baby while talking to a doctor
1 minute read

We secured £400,000 in damages for our client Stephanie*, who had a major stroke when she was not referred to a specialist unit having suffered a mini stroke after giving birth.

Doctors failed to spot the signs when Stephanie suffered a transient ischaemic attack (mini-stroke or ‘TIA’) following labour, which should have been picked up and led to a referral to a specialist unit.

Instead, Stephanie was not treated for the TIA and went on to suffer a major stroke, which left her unconscious and locked in (paralysed and unable to communicate) for several weeks.

Later, Stephanie had ongoing partial paralysis which affected her ability to walk and talk and meant she struggled to look after her new baby and young child.

The compensation we secured for Stephanie allowed her and her family to put their lives back together, buy a suitable house, pay for care when needed and meet the costs arising from her disability.

*name has been changed.

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