Personal injury trust created to help Mark* continue accessing means tested benefits

A man is signing a document
1 minute read

We provided mark with advice and recommended that he set up a personal injury trust. A trust deed was prepared which detailed mark, his wife and daughter as trustees.

Mark faced losing the benefits that he was entitled to due to his £85,000 compensation award, which would have meant it being eroded by day-to-day living costs.

We were able to advise Mark about the established system that is in place to ensure people can still receive the benefits they need and preserve damages payments to be used in their best interests.

Damages payments are intended to allow people to live a life that reflects, as closely as possible, the one they had before their injury. The money is often required for house adaptations, specialist equipment and treatment, carers, support to enable a person to continue to access hobbies and passions, plus holidays and to buy cars.

Mark was provided with advice and was recommended to set up a personal injury trust. A Trust Deed was prepared which detailed Mark, his wife and daughter as trustees.

The compensation payment was paid straight into the Trust Account meaning Mark would be able to retain his Employment Support Allowance and access other necessary means-tested benefits in the future if necessary.

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