Sepsis compensation after pregnant mother died

Someones hand held in another persons hands
1 minute read

Sadiqa’s husband brought a claim for himself and their two children.

We helped a father of two claim £500,000 in compensation after his pregnant wife died of sepsis.

Sadiqa was 35 when she became pregnant with her third child. On a Friday afternoon, at 20 weeks pregnant, she developed pain in her abdomen and could not feel her baby’s heartbeat. She went to an accident and emergency department, where she was reassured and no tests were done before Sadiqa went home.

She went back on the Saturday morning but again nothing was done and she was told to come back on the Monday. By then she had a fever and felt very ill, she was admitted to the hospital and given antibiotics but got steadily worse. On the Tuesday morning the doctors realised she was seriously ill with sepsis. She was admitted to the intensive care ward but sadly died.

The hospital eventually admitted negligence and that with proper care she would not have died.

The damages Sadiqa’s husband received will help him to support his family. The case also helped to highlight what had gone wrong in the care of Sadiqa, which may prevent others suffering in the same way.

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