Spinal Injuries

Spinal injury compensation claims

Our spinal injury lawyers are specialists in securing the compensation needed when you’ve been hurt and someone else was at fault.

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0800 044 8488

Understanding spinal injury 

The spinal cord is like a highway of nerves and its job is to relay messages from the brain to the body and back again. Damage to this information highway means the messages sent from the brain are not received by the body (and vice versa), resulting in the loss of feeling, function and movement in certain parts of the anatomy.

Spinal cord injuries are classified in two ways:

  • how badly the spinal cord has been damaged (complete or incomplete)
  • the specific location of the injury on the spinal cord

Spinal injuries can happen in lots of ways including road traffic accidents, a fall from a horse, through medical negligence, during birth or in an accident at work to name a few.

We’re here to help. You can call us on 0800 0448488 or email or request a call back

Your rights and eligibility

If you suffered a spinal injury and someone else was to blame, you might want to make a compensation claim.

Serious spinal cord injuries can be  life changing, either permanently or for an extended period of time. You may need ongoing specialist care, mobility support, medical equipment, home adaptations and your earnings may be affected. All of those things come at a cost and a spinal injury claim is often the only way to meet all the additional financial demands.

Our specialist solicitors have extensive experience in this area and are in touch with expert clinicians who can advise on what is available to improve your life. We explore every aspect of your specific need to set you up for the very best future possible.

How can compensation help?

Although compensation cannot undo the harm that you’ve suffered, it can help compensate you for your pain and suffering, as well as alleviate any financial pressure that you might encounter as a result of it. For instance, compensation could pay for:

  • medical appointments and treatment
  • specialist medical care that might not be available through the NHS
  • home adaptations or the purchase of an adapted house
  • vehicle adaptations or the purchase of a more suitable vehicle for your needs
  • specialist medical and mobility devices
  • funds to enable you to re-learn any skills you may have lost because of the injury or access other rehabilitation services
  • loss of earnings
Trusted expertise

As expert solicitors focusing on serious injury, medical negligence, mental capacity and education, you can trust us to get the best results for you.

We know how hard it is to deal with the harm you or a loved one has suffered. We’ll support you with empathy every step of the way.

We can help you on a no win no fee basis, meaning you don’t need to worry about funding legal costs

Our support doesn’t end after a claim. We can help you with your financial affairs after settlement and introduce you to charities and organisations that might be able to help you going forward.

Choosing a spinal injury compensation lawyer

Spinal injury compensation cases are complicated and require the help of an expert spinal injury lawyer, who will be able to determine the effects an injury will have both now and in the future.

Our team of spinal injury solicitors have been able to help hundreds of clients make a compensation claim following their spinal cord injury. Call us today and find out if we can help you obtain spinal injury compensation.

While every case is different and each individual unique, we can use our experience in helping others to help you. Our job is to help you find the best possible care and equipment and secure compensation you need to fund it. Our connections in the therapeutic, rehabilitation and disability aids worlds mean we are able to identify things that would be likely to significantly improve your life and ensure your claim includes those.

Client stories

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Expert help following a spinal injury

Speak to an expert today to discuss your claim.

Request a Call Back

If you would like us to call you back to discuss a potential claim, please complete the form below and a member of the team will call you at a time convenient to you. We are in your corner and ready to help. Alternatively, you can contact us by email.

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please note we will call back to help during office hours which are Monday to Friday 9am until 6pm