How do I make a child abuse compensation claim?
Navigating the complex process of seeking compensation for child abuse can be overwhelming. That’s why it’s crucial to have a team of specialist solicitors by your side.
At Enable Law, we will treat you with compassion and understanding and want to make seeking justice as easy as possible. We’ll work closely with you and guide you through every step of the process, explaining everything in detail. All cases are different and you will be treated as an individual. We will listen to you to achieve the best possible outcome for you.
Whether the abuse is recent or it happened years ago, we can help. A criminal conviction isn’t necessary to pursue a successful compensation claim, but it can make the process quicker and more straightforward. This is true of both recent abuse cases and historic abuse claims.
If you’ve reported the abuse to the police, you may be able to claim compensation through the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA), a government-funded scheme to compensate victims of violent and sexual crime.
We’ll investigate your case thoroughly, gathering evidence and, where appropriate, speaking to witnesses to build a strong case.
This may involve examining a large number of documents, such as police files, social services files, and education and health records, as well as interviewing witnesses and obtaining reports from experts. We understand that confidentiality may be important to you and we will be able to take steps to maintain confidentiality.
Throughout the process, we’ll keep you informed and involved. We’ll discuss potential strategies, such as early negotiations with the defendant, to achieve the best possible outcome.
We’re here to help. You can call us on 0800 0448488 or email or request a call back.
The importance of hiring a specialist child abuse lawyer
Coping with the sensitive and complex issues surrounding such a traumatic experience is distressing and can be overwhelming. That’s why it’s vital to have a specialist legal team on your side with expertise and compassion to guide you through the process. An experienced child abuse solicitor can provide invaluable support, helping to protect your rights, look after your best interests and secure the answers and compensation you deserve.
For many years, Enable Law has been trusted by countless victims of child abuse to pursue compensation claims. Our team of specialist solicitors has a proven track record of success in handling cases of all complexities.
We bring a wealth of experience, expertise and care to every case. We take the time to listen to the unique challenges you or someone you care for faces and guide you through your claim with the compassion and professionalism you deserve.
How much compensation can be awarded for child abuse?
The amount of compensation awarded for child abuse varies depending on the specific circumstances of each case. Factors such as the severity of the abuse, its duration and the long-term impact on the victim play a significant role in determining the level of compensation.
While no amount of money will ever compensate for experiencing abuse, it can help to give you a more secure and stable future, as well as a sense of justice.
Historic child abuse claims
Even if the abuse occurred many years ago, you may still be able to seek justice and compensation. While historic abuse claims can be more complex than more recent cases, and take longer to settle, with careful investigation and legal expertise, it’s possible to achieve a successful outcome.
Making a historic claim is a similar process to pursuing a claim for more recent abuse.
If a conviction has been secured, the process is likely to be quicker and easier. It may be more difficult and take longer to gather the necessary evidence to bring a successful claim if there has been no recent official or criminal investigation into your case. However, it may still be possible to pursue compensation.
Historic child abuse claims are extremely complex. If you want to pursue compensation, it’s essential you speak to an experienced solicitor. At Enable Law, our specialist solicitors have extensive experience in handling historic child abuse claims. We’ll work diligently to investigate your case, gather evidence and build a strong case to get you and your family the compensation you deserve. You can expect us to be honest at every step, we’ll let you know the likelihood of achieving a positive outcome, so you can decide what you want to do.
Child abuse claims against social services
Social services have a role to protect children and to carry out this role they can investigate reports of abuse or neglect, assess the risk of harm to a child and take appropriate action to safeguard their welfare.
Unfortunately, there are times when a child experiences harm and abuse that could have been avoided by earlier or more appropriate child protection steps taken that can lead to serious consequences, such as:
- Failure to investigate allegations of abuse or neglect promptly.
- Incorrect assessment of risk, leading to inadequate protection measures.
- Placing a child in an unsafe environment, such as with an abusive foster carer.
If social services have failed to manage you appropriately and left you in a situation where you have experienced abuse or neglect that could have been avoided, you may be able to claim compensation. A successful claim can provide financial compensation for the harm caused, as well as help with the costs of therapy and other support services.
Abuse in foster care, schools and the clergy
Abuse in foster care
Many children find themselves in local authority care and spend time in foster care. Local authorities have responsibility to safeguard children placed in foster care and can be held responsible for the actions of a foster carer.
If you or a loved one has experienced abuse or neglect in foster care, you may be able to pursue a claim against the responsible agency. Our team of specialist child abuse solicitors can help you understand your legal rights and seek justice.
Abuse in schools
Schools should be a place where children are safe from harm and abuse. If you or your child has experienced abuse in school, whether by a teacher, another employee of the school or another pupil you may be entitled to make a claim for compensation.
An experienced child abuse lawyer can help you:
- Investigate the incident: Gather evidence and speak to witnesses.
- Identify the responsible parties: Determine who is responsible for the abuse.
- Pursue legal action: File a claim against the school or other responsible parties.
- Seek compensation for damages: Recover compensation for the harm caused by the abuse.
Abuse in religious institutions
Abuse within church and religious institutions can be particularly complex and challenging for victims. One significant issue is the power imbalances that exist, as abusers often hold positions of significant authority and trust, which can intimidate victims and deter them from coming forward. Cultural and religious barriers also play a role, as victims may feel compelled to remain silent due to their beliefs or fear of social stigma and shame. Institutional cover-ups can also happen, with churches and other religious organisations sometimes seeking to hide abuse or protect those responsible. The complex legal landscape can add another layer of difficulty, as some religious institutions have extensive resources and established legal defenses, making it challenging to hold them accountable.
Despite these challenges, it is possible to pursue justice and seek compensation for abuse within religious settings.
We have a dedicated team of child abuse solicitors with experience in claims involving sexual and physical abuse by priests, vicars, curates, ministers, volunteers and others in positions of authority within various religious orders.
Our specialist solicitors have successfully pursued claims against the Catholic Church, the Church of England, the New Apostolic Church, New Life Church and the Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) claims for child abuse
In some cases, pursuing a traditional civil claim may not be feasible.
If this is the case, we can explore alternative options like a CICA claim. While CICA can offer financial support, it’s important to note that the maximum award is £500,000 and the Scheme has strict eligibility criteria.
Often, the amount of compensation you receive from the CICA is lower than what you would receive through a civil claim. We carefully assess your situation to determine the best course of action and ensure you receive the best possible outcome.