Nearly five years on from the broadcast of the damning Panorama documentary that shed light in the living conditions of residents of secure hospital Whorlton Hall, four members of staff have now been found guilty of ill-treating residents.
The guilty verdict comes as no surprise for family members of former residents that had been raising the alarm about the treatment of their relatives in the unit for years.
Rachel Thain, a member of our specialist Abuse legal team, is working closely with family members of former residents to help them get compensation and access additional support following their experiences at the unit.
If you or a loved one has been a resident at Whorlton Hall and would like to have a free confidential discussion with a member of our team call us for free on 0800 044 8488 or contact Rachel Thain at
To find out more about the police investigation visit our previous article on this topic here *Updated* Police Investigation into Whorlton Hall – Enable Law